Dedicated Fire Insurance Claim Lawyer in Missouri

When homes are damaged by fire, homeowners depend on their insurance companies to help them recover. Working with a fire insurance claim lawyer might help.

Problem With Fire Insurance Claims


If you’ve had a fire in your home or business affecting your personal property, all you want at that moment is compensation for your loss. So, you submit an insurance claim for the fire and smoke damage seeking compensation for the repairs, relocation costs, and replacement in the case of serious fire damage.

Unfortunately, securing compensation from insurance companies is not straightforward and can sometimes be discouraging. Some of this can be attributed to homeowners and property owners having too high expectations or seeking compensation exceeding their insurance coverage.

However, the chief reason is that insurance companies deny valid claims routinely without a reasonable explanation or use unfair practices to delay or limit compensation. To handle the situation, consulting with an insurance dispute attorney can help you understand the unreasonable claws of the costly insurance premiums that you have and help you deal with the homeowners insurance disputes from the property insurance company.

At the Bower Law Firm, we have years of experience with fire insurance claims and dealing with insurance companies. We understand the tactics insurance companies use to avoid making payments. We are committed to legally recovering your compensation.

If your insurer has denied your fire insurance claims, you may be forced to consider legal recourse. Talk to our insurance dispute attorneys today to understand how this works.

What Does a Fire Insurance Claim Lawyer Do?


A fire insurance lawyer helps you settle your claim and receive compensation when your insurer is unwilling to pay or is only paying half of what you’re entitled to.

Our lawyers have special access to information that allows them to be ahead of insurance companies in case any disputes occur. They also have a network of experts to help with the following:

  • Determining the cause of the fire
  • Calculating the value of what you lost
  • Uncovering the exact point of damage to your property which the insurance companies often overlook
  • Estimating the exact amount of your claim

Our fire insurance claim lawyer will work with you to find the best possible route to get the insurance money for your losses. They will also help you negotiate with the insurance company so that you can save yourself from the tricks they do in order to save their money.

Some Common Causes of Fire

These are the most common causes that can lead to your property or home catching and spreading fire:

  • Damaged electrical wiring
  • Gas leak
  • Wildfire
  • Faulty electrical products
  • Smoking
  • Flammable liquids
  • Candles
  • Christmas Decorations

Consulting with an experienced attorney might help you get through the property insurance dispute.

Unfair Outcomes on Fire Insurance Claims by Insurance Companies


An insurance company hesitates to pay you a fire claim or insists on a lower amount because the less compensation it pays, the more profit it could generate.

To achieve the highest amount of profit, they may employ the following unfair tactics:

  • Allege arson

  • Delay investigation

  • Deny legitimate claims of total loss regardless of clean evidence provided

  • Threaten a lawsuit to force you to agree to lower payment

  • Violate clear terms of your insurance policy

  • Delay of payments or valuation of your claim

Consider working with a fire claim insurance lawyer so you can have an ally in your corner to fight against these unfair tactics. Contact the Bower Law Firm today!

Best Time to Hire a Fire Insurance Claim Lawyer


On small claims, there is usually no urgency to contact a lawyer. A fire insurance claim attorney is helpful in cases of large claims if you feel there is more that you should be able to claim or if there is a dispute or denial of claims.

Examples of claims that may result in dispute and denial of claims by insurance companies include:

  1. Late insurance premium payments
  2. Lack of evidence that a fire caused your loss
  3. Reaching or exceeding insurance coverage limits
  4. Filing losses that are not listed in the insurance agreement
  5. Filing claims for outdated insurance policies.

If you have made such claims, contact our lawyers before speaking with any insurance company representative. Communicating with a lawyer before you speak to the insurance representative might minimize the damage done to your case.

Remember, insurance companies are there to make profits by finding every reason to refuse your claim and avoid paying your insurance benefits. They can throw you off during your conversations, and you may make admissions that damage your case. Therefore, it is essential to know the likely tactics that insurance companies use before speaking with them.

You can also contact a property damage claim lawyer for assistance if you feel your claim is complicated and need the insurance policies interpreted.

Our fire insurance claim lawyers can help you understand how the claims process works and may employ a public adjuster to assist with large claims. We can help you complete the paperwork, meet the required deadlines, and advocate for you.

Benefits of Hiring a Fire Damage Claim Lawyer


One of the primary benefits of hiring a fire damage claim lawyer is they can handle claims from any potential insurance case you might face. These range from fire and smoke damage claims to insurance company negligence, such as failing or delaying to investigate your valid insurance claim.

Some of the benefits you’ll get for hiring a lawyer are:

1. Protection of Your Rights

The moment your fire claims become serious, there is a high probability of a dispute between you and your fire insurance company. The insurance will try to deny or blame you for the fire damage, which can be difficult without a trustworthy insurance attorney.

Our trustworthy property damage attorney will review the insurance policy paperwork and negotiate with the insurer for the most favorable deal for you. When the insurance company denies your claim, our lawyers can advocate for you in a court of law.

2. Help With the Claim Process

A claim process might prove complicated because of the numerous steps to follow, which may be unfamiliar to you.

Some of these steps are:

  • Making drafts and filing paperwork

  • Collecting evidence and documents

  • Finding and removing repairable items

  • Creating an inventory of leftovers 

  • Evaluating repair work

  • Relocations during repairs

  • Hiring repair damage contractors

  • Securing building permits

  • Planning and ordering renovations

We will take you through every step of the legal claim process and ensure that every step is completed thoroughly.

How to Hire a Good Fire Insurance Claim Lawyer


The first step is to ask your network for referrals for a good fire insurance lawyer. You can ask your friends, family, or any trustworthy lawyer you have access to.

Once you have a pool of potential fire insurance attorneys, you can interview them about their knowledge of insurance and experience and get references from clients they’ve represented before.

Choosing a lawyer is a big decision. If you decide to hire one, hire a lawyer who you are confident in and who will fight for you to the best of their abilities.


Get Professional Help With Your Fire Insurance Claim

Our experienced lawyers will help you negotiate an advantageous settlement to your insurance claim, even in the most challenging cases. We can also take your claim case to a court of law if necessary, so you can access the fairest settlement you are entitled to.

At Bower Law Firm, it is our business to stand for your ground to ensure you get what you deserve and that all damage is catered for. So contact our attorneys today at (816) 608-3600 or email our office at [email protected] for a free consultation and get your fire damage claim started.
